What is the story with Worn Path? Oddly enough, Worn Path was first a collection of necklaces I was making for friends and special orders and just needed a name. I used natural materials for the necklaces and they were referential to and inspired by a love of hiking and being in nature so Worn Path (i.e. a trail you would hike on) seemed like a fitting name. Some time later when I began the store, and being a person who is not fond of coming up with names, Worn Path still seemed to fit with the theme of the store. The inspiration from there was pretty simple. I like being outside. I like the outdoors of the Pacific Northwest but I also like being outside in the city. Being able to enjoy the world outside of the walls made by humans is a great gift and hopefully you will feel that Worn Path Celebrates that. That’s one version of the story. 

That’s the clean, easy version. 
There’s also another more personal version.

I believe in living a life that is as “do it yourself” as you can or feel like pressing yourself to. For me, this meant working for myself and creating a place that is transparent about the ownerships beliefs, what it supports, what it asks of the people who work there, how it goes about making money. You get the idea. Transparency is key. When operating in an economic system I don’t agree with it all becomes quite complicated. 

Here are some things that you may want to know as a customer of Worn Path or a person who is simply interested in what we do here:

[1] This store was began on a small amount of money I saved by working at a coffee shop (back when Portland was inexpensive to live in) and the time and energy of my community of friends. There was no loan, no money inherited or borrowed from a bank or relative, no investors. We started really small and added to our offerings as we could.

[2] I had the goal of eliminating the typical hierarchical employee/boss relationship from my life and to be able to live the way I had been: frugally, but with my needs met. I work here most of the days and do not aspire to have or believe in a second location. Another location would require someone else to be there and they would more deserve the money made there than I would.

[3] I believe in sharing with organizations that help marginalized people, the environment, and so forth. We will always support the progressive, what many consider leftist, ideologies. I don’t like that throwing money at a problem is an efficient way to help, but that is the system we live in, so we will do that when we can.

As of now, over 12 years into the business, the people who work here are more than employees,. In fact, I would never refer to them as such. I am truly indebted to them as I know, without them, I would not be able to still do this. Giving your time in trade for money is still giving of your limited life on this planet to your job and I am so lucky to have the people here, on board with me, and helping me with this project, to have some days off to do the things I love and maybe a little side work too. Thanks for your interest and taking the time to read this.

— Niles
top photo by Christie Maclean